In the era of DIY, it is understandable to have the urge of attempting DIY Home Lighting Automation and so on. But there is a side of DIY projects which include non-functionality, over expenses, wastage, short-circuits, and more so that need to be taken into consideration when attempting such a DIY Smart Home Installation that requires the need of an expert for sure.

So, here is why we need to take time and understand why a DIY Smart Home Solution is just a bad idea.

Overcomplicated System

Most DIY smart home attempts result in a complex web of different devices that could be accessed from a variety of separate apps. On the other hand, with a professional installation, everything is accessible from whatever device you have, with it be a tablet, smartphone or touchpad. Further, the right programming would make it easy to add any new technology or rooms to your system in the future.

home lighting automation


When integrating this many devices to an extent when you can access all of them from a single device, it becomes inevitable to integrate these products seamlessly, which is not possible with the DIY due to lack of compatibility knowledge. Further, if anything goes wrongs, the troubleshooting would be even more complicated and complex. Better to leave it on the professionals.

Installation Size and complexity 

The complexity and size of the smart home installation depend literally on the size of the home and the devices you wish to include in it. Further, the complex building materials like interior stone, mirror walls, radiant floor heating and more would increase the complexity by becoming a hurdle with wireless in yours. Further, with time the inventory of smart devices would be expanding. The size and complexity can be determined when taking all of this into consideration, and you would have no other choice than to use professional help.

Security And Privacy

A single platform system provides the latest security and privacy protection. This may not be the case with multiple DIY smart home systems; lack of a dedicated home automation system increases the possibility of compromising your DIYSmart Home Melbourne systems security and privacy. After all, when it comes to home, you would not want to compromise with security and privacy.

Lack Of Proper Planning & Impulsive Purchasing

Howk automation is not just setting us the smart home device like Alexa at a favourite spot or getting the smart lights installed. This is where the DIY becomes a bad idea as with it; you would leave most of the device unintegrated and unused—this is what happens when you do not plan the home automation.

Most people also relate home automation as buying all the stuff and products that would make the home smart. All these products also end up unused or would have compatibility, integration or accessibility issues.

Smart homes are becoming a must-have with the busy lives and our wish of controlling various aspects of home from where we are. But DIY Smart Home Solution is not a good idea for it.
