Keyword mapping is a process of evaluating keyword usage and leveraging that information to improve the overall performance of your website. Here expert Melbourne SEO services includes the ability to determine what keywords your site should be targeting, how it should be configured so that those who search for them will find you when they do so, and how it can improve its relevance in search engines.

What Is Keyword Mapping?

Keyword mapping is the process of identifying and organising keywords. It’s a way of organising your website’s content around the keywords that you want to rank for so that it better caters to the needs of people searching for those terms. Keyword mapping can help you achieve better rankings in search engines, as well as make your website more user-friendly and intuitive for visitors.

Why Is Keyword Mapping Essential For SEO?

Keyword mapping is the first step to conducting a comprehensive SEO audit. It helps you understand the structure of your website and content, as well as that of your competitor’s websites. It also provides valuable insight into customers’ mindsets when they are searching for specific products or services.

When you start doing keyword mapping, expert Melbourne SEO services you can begin to uncover important insights about your customer base: who they are, what they want from you (and from each other), and how to deliver it most effectively on search engine results pages (SERPs).

expert Melbourne SEO services

How To Do Keyword Mapping?

So, what exactly is the keyword mapping procedure? There are several approaches to take. Each, however, has the same end goal: to increase the clarity of your SEO efforts. There is no “correct” answer, but we will go over the most common approaches below.

Depending on the approach you take, the keyword mapping process can vary. One approach is to associate keyword categories with specific pages on your website. You could, for example, map all keywords related to “product x” to a page that describes and promotes that product.

Another approach would be to create keyword silos. These are essentially groups of related keywords that are mapped to pages on your site that are similar.

This can help to improve your website’s overall organisation and make it easier for search engines to understand the relationships between your pages.

Can Keyword Mapping Help Me Avoid Cannibalisation?

As a marketer, you are aware of the importance of keyword mapping. It is the first step to take when writing new articles and pages for your website.

Keyword mapping can help you to identify the right keywords for your website. It also helps you to avoid cannibalisation by finding out which content pieces are already ranking with similar keywords on search engines like Google etc.

This way, you can add more depth to your existing page’s content or create a new page altogether that has unique and authoritative information in it.

In other words, keyword mapping will give you insights into how well-optimised each piece of content on your site is while helping you identify opportunities where there could be gaps in the market (i.e., areas that no one else has covered yet).

So make sure that before creating new web pages or updating existing ones with additional information/content, always make sure they’re mapped with relevant keywords so as not only to get better rankings but also to get more traffic from people searching for those terms online!

Keyword mapping is the process of analysing your website and finding out which keywords you should be targeting. This can be done manually by looking at different sections of your site, but it’s a much better idea to engage with the best expert Melbourne SEO services agency!
