Google’s latest updates on the search engine have been making a lot of people nervous – what if they decide to lower your ranking? However, this doesn’t mean that you should give up and stop trying. With the various changes over the years, Google has developed to be a more powerful search engine than ever before, so you must stay updated on just how to use it to your advantage.

What is Google’s latest algorithm change?

Google recently announced changes to their algorithm, which will affect how many people see your content. If you’re looking to increase your SEO efforts for SEO Company Auckland, you’ll want to be aware of these changes.

How to stay updated with Google’s changes?

Google is always updating their algorithms, so if you want to stay on top of the latest changes, you need to be keeping up with their blog section. Here are a few things to keep in mind when reading their blog: 

-Be aware of what your ranking is likely to change due to the update.

-Pay attention to any updates that affect your content’s quality or position in search results.

-Keep an eye out for new features that may be introduced as a result of the update.

How do I know what new updates are coming?

Google releases new algorithm updates every month or so. Sometimes these updates are small and subtle, and sometimes they’re more dramatic. If you’re not sure what’s coming, you can check the Google Search Console to see what changes have been made.

Is this update bad for my website?

Google’s algorithm updates are always a little bit mysterious, as they can have a big impact on how well your website ranks in the search results. But this time around, there’s definitely something to be worried about.

The update, which was first noticed by webmasters, is called Panda 4.0 and it’s designed to punish websites that are spammy or duplicative. So if your website is either of those things, you could see your rankings decline as a result.

But even if your site isn’t affected by Panda 4.0, it still needs to be updated to take advantage of the latest Google search features. For example, you need to use Google Analytics to measure visitor behaviour and track how people find your content.

So what do you need to know about these updates? Mostly just that they’re happening and you need to be prepared for them.

What should I do if my website cannot be crawled anymore?

If your website cannot be crawled anymore, you can do a few things to get it back up. First, make sure you’re using the most updated coding and markup standards. Second, make sure all your images are properly tagged and optimised for search engines. Finally, make sure your website is well-optimized for desktop browsers and mobile devices.


Google’s recent algorithm updates are designed to reward high-quality sites and provide valuable information. The updates aim to reduce the amount of spam and deceptive content on the internet and promote more authoritative and reliable information sources. Here are some key points to remember about the Google algorithm updates:

-The updates will affect a site’s ranking in search results, so it’s important to be aware of how they’ll impact your website’s visibility.

SEO Company Auckland that provide high-quality content will likely fare better than those that focus on generating traffic through spammy techniques.

-It’s important to make sure your website is updated with all the latest SEO techniques so you can take advantage of the new algorithm changes.
