Blocked drains are a common problem in all households. They can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as clogs caused by foreign objects like sanitary napkins or waste disposal bags, and the accumulation of hair, soap scum and dirt. Once your drainage system gets blocked, it will not only cause discomfort but also pose several health hazards for you. Call blocked drains st Kilda expert immediately.

Deterioration in Health

A blocked drains st Kilda can have quite an impact on the health of your family and pets. The truth is that when you have a blocked drain, it could cause some serious health issues to your loved ones. 

This is because as water sits stagnant in the pipes, it starts to emit gases that may come out through the drains every time they are flushed or used by human beings. These gases are harmful to humans and pet and, therefore should be avoided at all costs possible. Some of these gases include:

  • Methane gas which can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting;
  • Hydrogen sulfide which has a strong odor similar to rotten eggs;
  • Ammonia vapours which can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat skin.
  •  Chlorine gas also causes irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat skin.

Unpleasant Smell

You may not think much of the smell, but it’s important to take care of it.

unpleasant smell

The bad smell can be harmful for your health, home and family. It can also be bad for your guests and neighbours.

Structural Damage of the Home

As you can imagine, a blocked drains st Kilda can cause a lot of structural damage. When the water in your drain is not able to properly flow out of your home, it will begin to back up into other areas like your garage and basement.

 If this happens, then you could end up with major structural problems with your home. One example is when a blockage causes some kind of mould or mildew situation that damages the walls in your bathroom or kitchen. 

In these situations, it may be necessary to make repairs on those areas of the house before they get worse and become even harder to fix later down the road!

Slow Drainage

When you have a clogged drain, it can cause a variety of different problems. The most common issue is slow drainage. This means that when you run water down the drain, the water will take longer than usual to go down. 

As time passes, the clog could get worse and cause flooding or damage to your plumbing system and other parts of your home. 

Additionally, if there are any health issues associated with mould or mildew growth in your drains or pipes (such as asthma), they may become exacerbated due to this problem.


If you notice a slow drain, it’s important not to ignore it. The longer the problem goes untreated, the more likely you are to experience serious issues like structural damage and health problems. 

If you do need assistance with your drain, contact a professional plumber who will be able to safely clear out any clogs or debris from your pipes so that they work smoothly again!

