Meta descriptions are one of the most important elements on your website. They not only help to describe what your page is about, they also influence how Google ranks it in search results, therefore you need Experienced SEO Companies in Dubai.

Unfortunately, many websites still don’t know how to write proper meta descriptions and use them effectively. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about writing effective meta descriptions and make sure yours follow the rules of good writing design.

What Google’s Search Quality Guidelines Say About Meta Descriptions

While there is no official word from Google about the best way to write meta descriptions, it does provide some helpful guidelines for us to follow. According to these rules, the meta description should contain the most important message of your page and be no more than 155 characters in length.

It should also be unique—don’t just use a single sentence from your content as a summary; make sure it reflects what users will find on that page. And finally, any content included should be written in natural language rather than overly-technical jargon (unless you’re writing for an industry-specific audience).

Why You Need to Follow the Rules of Writing Good Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are important for SEO Dubai, but they also help users decide which page to click on. In fact, meta descriptions are used as the snippets in search results. So it’s really important that you follow these rules of writing good meta descriptions:
Meta DescriptionsBe short and concise. Google doesn’t want your meta description to be longer than 160 characters (including spaces). If you go over limit, your browser will truncate the extra characters so make each word count!

Use keywords naturally. Don’t stuff them in there just for the sake of ranking higher—that’s considered spammy by both humans and machines alike. Instead use them naturally within sentences; if you do it correctly you’ll see better rankings too!

How to Write Effective Meta Descriptions

One of the most important things to remember when writing meta descriptions is that they should be short. You want to provide the reader with enough information so they know what your article is about, but you don’t want to give away too much.

There are two main parts of a meta description: the first sentence and second sentence. The first sentence should grab their attention and make them want to read more by enticing them with an interesting or surprising fact or statistic.

The second sentence can be used to tell them what they can SEO expect from reading your article—if it’s a super useful guide on how to do something, then mention that in this section!
The third part of a well-written meta description provides more information about what the content contains without giving away too much detail or making it sound complicated.
You also want this paragraph to entice readers into clicking through by mentioning any benefits/takeaways they will get from reading your content.
The fourth part should summarize what was said previously while also calling out one specific benefit so readers know why it matters right now!


Remember, a good description should be concise and relevant to your page’s content. Use it as an opportunity to sell yourself, not just tell people what they can find on your site.

If you follow these tips and hire Experienced SEO Companies in Dubai, you’ll have much better results from your meta descriptions!
