Does the gas leak scare you? If so, then you must try and get rid of it as soon as possible. A gas leak is extremely dangerous. It can lead to severe health problems, destroy your property, or even end your life. In this post, we will look at how to tackle a natural gas leak. We will also look at why dealing with a gas leak needs a professional plumber Melbourne attention.

What are the problems especially associated with gas leaks?

  • Explosion
  • Poisoning
  • Explosive fumes
  • Asphyxiation or suffocation (the lack of oxygen in the air)

And finally, carbon monoxide poisoning.

How do you identify whether there is a gas leak in your home?

  • Check for the smell of gas. If you smell the rotten egg-like odour, then there is a gas leak in your home.
  • Check for the presence of a hissing sound; this means that air is escaping from a pipe or appliance and, if left undetected, may result in an explosion.
  • If you notice blue flames on appliances like water heaters, ovens and cooktops, then there is definitely a gas leak present.
  • Check for any signs of moisture damage near pipes or vents, which could indicate a possible leaky pipe.
  • Check if there are any wet spots on floors around sinks/toilets, especially if they have recently been used.
  • If there are wet spots around sinks/toilets, check out under them as well – it could mean sewage has come up through cracks in the floor because of old pipes that are leaking underneath.
Are you worried about a gas leak Let a Professional Plumber Take Care of It!

Common causes of a gas leak in Melbourne homes

Gas leaks could be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Faulty gas appliances
  • Faulty gas pipes
  • Faulty gas fittings
  • Faulty valves and regulators on the main supply line.

What to do when there is a Gas Leak in your home? Call A Plumber!

If you are not sure whether there is a gas leak in your home or not, it is better to call an expert plumber Melbourne immediately.

If you think that there is a gas leak in your home, then shut off the gas supply. If the appliance has been turned on, turn it off immediately. Open all the windows and doors in order to make sure that air circulation is proper and also keep people away from that particular area as they can be affected by poisonous gases too if they are nearby it for some time. It is better to keep such an area well ventilated as long as possible until expert plumbers arrive at their destination. Also, do not use any electrical appliances around this place because of the risk of explosion due to accumulation of poisonous gases inside them, which could lead to major damages for both property and human lives respectively!


In order to ensure that you and your family are safe from the dangers of the gas leak, it is best to call a professional plumber Melbourne. They will be able to identify the source of the leak and implement a solution.
