If you’re thinking about getting a new car but don’t have the time to go through the process of applying for and waiting to be approved for a loan, it may be best to get No Doc Car Loans. When you apply for No Doc Car Loans, you can get approved within minutes, meaning you don’t have to wait several days or weeks before getting behind the wheel of your new car.

What Is a No-Doc Loan?

There are two basic loan types, no-doc and full-doc. The no in no-doc loans indicates that income documents are not required. Instead, lenders use your assets as collateral for repayment if you default on payments. With a no-doc car loan, for example, you could have several credit cards or other debts that would serve as repayment sources if your business failed and you were unable to pay off your auto loan.

When Can I Get Approved for a no doc loan?

You might be able to get a no doc loan if you have an excellent credit history, a high income and no co-signer or other collateral. A low down payment can also help you qualify for one of these loans. If you want approval without proof of income, however, lenders are likely to ask you for some type of collateral instead. For example, you might need to put up your home as security or use your car title as collateral.

No Doc Car Loans

How Do I Know Which Lender to Choose?

You may be thinking, But if I don’t have a steady income, how can I know which lender is right for me? You just need to look at your current financial situation and determine your goals. If you don’t mind making payments on time and want help getting back on track with your car loans in a relatively short period of time, then a subprime lender could be right for you.

What Should I Expect From My First Car Loan Payment?

Car payments are a big expense, and figuring out how much money you’ll have left after your car payment each month is an important part of deciding whether or not you can afford a new car. If you’re ready to buy, here’s what it might mean for your budget.

Finding the Right Auto Lender

When you need a car loan but lack proof of income, it can be difficult or even impossible to get approved with your bank. Banks want a source of a steady income and predictable expenses as proof that you’ll be able to pay back your loan, but if you don’t have these things right now, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other options available.


To qualify for a no doc car loan, you must have sufficient income and credit history. To increase your chances of being approved for a no doc car loan without income proof, try applying for your auto loan before choosing which vehicle you want to buy. When you go with a dealership or finance company that offers both vehicles and financing in one place, you can secure a competitive auto loan interest rate before comparing any car loans from different lenders.
