If you’re in the asbestos removal Ballarat market for a home, you may want to consider one built before 1980. There are plenty of reasons why older homes appeal: they tend to have more character, they’re usually cheaper than new construction and they often have more room to grow if you decide to go that route. 

But if you buy an older house without doing your research first, there could be hidden problems lurking under the surface—like asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). While not all houses built before 1980 contain ACMs, enough do that it’s worth considering before buying older property. Here’s what you need to know about ACM risks:

Asbestos can cause serious and fatal medical problems.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used in building materials before the 1970s. Asbestos-containing materials are still present in many buildings today, and these fibres can be released into the air when disturbed or damaged. Its important to get it removed by professional asbestos removal ballarat. 

When people breathe in asbestos fibres, they can become embedded in their lungs and cause serious medical problems such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestosis.

One survey estimates that about 15 million people are exposed to asbestos on a daily basis through workplace exposure or living near an older home where loose asbestos-containing materials have been disturbed by construction activities or other factors such as frequent remodelling projects over several decades.

asbestos removal ballarat

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral and it was used extensively in the building trades in the middle of the 20th century.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used extensively in the building trades in the middle of the 20th century. Asbestos was used to insulate buildings and pipes, as well as for other products. It wasn’t until later that scientists discovered that long-term exposure to asbestos could cause health problems, including lung cancer and mesothelioma (a rare cancer).

If you’re purchasing an older home, there’s a good chance it was built with asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). ACMs include insulation, ceiling tiles and vinyl flooring. Asbestos can also be found in vermiculite attic insulation or sprayed on concrete basement walls around furnaces or boilers to prevent fires from spreading through the room below them.

Asbestos is most dangerous when it’s airborne, because that’s how the fibres get into lungs and other organs.

Asbestos is dangerous when it’s airborne, as the fibres break off into the air and can be breathed in, causing serious health problems. Asbestos can also be dangerous when it isn’t airborne; if you breathe in asbestos that has been disturbed or removed from its original source, you could still inhale harmful fibres. In other words, asbestos removal must be done by a professional.


Asbestos is still around in many homes, but most of it can be removed safely and legally. If you’re considering buying an older house, or any building constructed before 1980 with an unknown history of asbestos use, ask an asbestos disposal Ballarat professional for help. 

And if you do find that your home has asbestos in it, get professional help with removal before taking any action yourself!
