The ancient art of biltong is a South African delicacy that draws inspiration from nature. It’s made by drying strips of meat such as beef, game or ostrich, then seasoning them with spices and salt. Biltong is enjoyed all over South Africa and has become a global phenomenon recently.

The traditional style of biltong refers to how it used to be prepared – without any preservatives or additives. In this article, we’ll go into more detail about the traditional method for making biltong Auckland and show you how to make your batch at home!

The History!

Biltong is a traditional South African snack created by the Voortrekkers, Dutch settlers who travelled to South Africa in search of religious freedom.

They used biltong Tauranga to preserve meat while they were on their journey to the Cape. The name “biltong” comes from an Afrikaans word that means “strip of meat.” It consists of dried pieces of beef or game, flavoured with spices like coriander seed and garlic powder; then, they’re hung up in strips to dry out further before being sliced into bite-size pieces and eaten cold.

Biltong is a great way to preserve meat, especially in an area where refrigeration is not readily available.

Many different ways to make biltong

There are many different ways to make biltong. The type of cut of meat, spices and marinade used all contribute to the taste of your final product.

  • If you don’t have a dehydrator, use an oven set at 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120 degrees Celsius). Place your biltong in an oven-proof dish and leave it overnight until they are dry enough for your liking.
  • If using a commercial biltong machine, follow their instructions on how long they recommend drying each batch before slicing it into bite-sized pieces with a sharp knife or electric slicer if available at home!

Eaten as either a snack or part of a meal

The biltong Tauranga is a versatile food that can be eaten as a snack or meal. It can be enjoyed with other foods, such as bread or cheese.

Biltong is also often served as an accompaniment to beer, especially in South Africa and Namibia, where it is considered part of the national cuisine.

Popular cut of meat used in making biltong is beef

The most popular cut of meat used in making biltong Auckland is beef. However, it can also be made with venison or ostrich. Some people prefer to mix their meats and create a blend that’s unique to them.

Biltong is sold at almost every store in South Africa and is available in most specialty stores worldwide that carry food from South Africa.

You will also find biltong in many supermarkets, convenience stores, and specialty stores that carry food from South Africa.


There are many different ways to make biltong. The most popular cut of meat used in making biltong Auckland is beef, but other types of meat can also be used. You’ll find that some people prefer theirs with no seasoning, while others like spice or herbs added for flavour. It’s up to you how you like your biltong!
