Voice search is the next big thing. Google and Amazon are taking steps to improve their voice search capabilities, and this trend is likely to grow in popularity as more people get comfortable with speaking their requests rather than typing them. Because of this, you should consider optimizing your site for voice search now—before it becomes the norm.

In order to optimize your website for future SEO campaigns, a Top-notch SEO Company in Ahmedabad explained several changes you can make today that will help your content rank high in Google or Bing searches. Here are five ways to maximize your site’s potential:

  • Find & Use Conversational Keywords

If a user searches for something like “How do I get started with voice search?”, you should use conversational keywords in your content to respond to that query. 

So, if you have a website about voice search optimization and you know this is a common question among visitors, include the question in your title or meta description. You can also use it as an H1 or bolded text on the page itself. 

It’s important to note that using conversational keywords isn’t just limited to the content of your webpage, but also in its URL and image alt text (if applicable). For example: If you have an article titled “What Is Voice Search Optimization?”, then make sure all of those words appear somewhere on page so Google knows what your topic is about!

  • Think Conversationally 

To get the most out of voice search, it’s important to think conversationally. When people talk, they don’t use grandiose language and technical jargon; instead, they use natural language and conversational keywords that are easy to understand. The same should be true for your site’s content when it comes to voice search.

Therefore, Top-notch SEO Company in Ahmedabad is here to share important tips to pay attention to how people ask questions online when they’re looking for information—and then consider this when optimizing your site so that you can provide helpful answers in a way that will appeal directly to them. For example:

“How do I fix my car?” (A question)

“How do I fix my car?” (A statement)

  • Optimize For Position Zero Or The Featured Snippet 

Position Zero, also known as the Featured Snippet, is an answer to your search query that Google provides for you at the top of the page. It shows up on mobile and desktop alike, although it has a different ranking algorithm from regular organic results. If you want to optimize for position zero or the featured snippet, here’s what you need to know:

Create compelling content that answers user intent (i.e., what they’re looking for)

Your content should be easy-to-read and have clear headings/subheadings

You should also include relevant keywords throughout your article – but not too many! 

Overstuffing will make it look spammy

Make sure all images are properly labeled with alt text so screen readers can understand them

  • Employ Long-Tail Keywords

The best way to optimize for voice search is by employing long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are more specific and likely to be used, so they’re also more likely to be searched for.

Here’s an example: Let’s say you’re a plumber in the city of Ahmedabad. The word “plumber” has a lot of searches (and competition), but it’s not very specific—there are many different types of plumbers out there. On the other hand, if you were to use the more specific term “24-hour Emergency Drain Cleaning Service,” then you’ll get fewer searches overall, but they’ll be much better suited toward your business.

Finally, consider using synonyms when possible—even if they don’t necessarily result in as many searches as their primary counterpart (think about how often people say things like “I need a car wash” instead of “I need my car washed”). While this may seem counterintuitive at first glance—after all, wouldn’t we want our site optimized for what people actually search?—it turns out that voice search uses synonyms too!

  • Transform Queries Into Questions

Sometimes, your site’s information won’t be enough. Sometimes you need to transform your queries into questions. To do this, use the answer from another page on your site as the answer for a different question. 

For example: “How do I get rid of fleas?” could become “How can I get rid of fleas?” If you have a page that talks about getting rid of fleas, this is the perfect opportunity to use a redirect. This will allow you to answer both questions in one place without having to create new content.

  • Make Your Content Easy To Digest
  • Bullet points: Use bullet points to break up long sections of text. This makes it easier for readers to digest your content and find what they’re looking for.
  • Short sentences: Long sentences are hard to follow, so keep them short and sweet. When possible, use active voice instead of passive voice (the latter makes things more complicated).
  • Conversational tone: Make your content sound like you’re talking directly with your reader; avoid overly formal language.
  • Images: Images are just as important as words on any website—they add visual appeal, give your page personality and help illustrate concepts in a way that words can’t always do alone.
  • Skimability: Try using subheadings within each section so that visitors who just want the gist of an article can quickly skim through without having read every single word first
  • Get On Google My Business

Google My Business is a free service that allows you to manage your business listings on Google. It’s important to get listed on GMB because it provides you with valuable information about your business, like location and contact information. You can also add photos, videos, and links in order to help people find out more about the services or products that you offer.

Google My Business is so essential because it gives users the ability to easily find local businesses from search results on both desktop computers and mobile devices—and because of this, having a strong presence in GMB will be crucial for future SEO campaigns!

  • Utilize Schema Markup Whenever Possible

Schema markup is a way to label your content with metadata that search engines can use to better understand what your site is about. For example, if you have an article about “how to bake cookies”, it would be useful for the search engine to know that this article has a title, author (you!), publication date and image.

When a search engine sees schema markup on a page, a Top-notch SEO Company in Ahmedabad suggests that it will be able to pull in those details so you don’t have to keep telling them over and over again.

This is important because it allows Google and other search engines like Bing more context when crawling through the web – which means your pages are easier for them to read and understand!

Schema also serves as rich snippets in SERPs (search engine results pages), giving you more opportunities of being found by users who are looking specifically for answers they can receive from one source rather than multiple sources before finding something relevant enough.

  • Optimize Site Speed

A content delivery network (CDN) can help you optimize site speed. A CDN strategically distributes your website’s files around the world so that they’re closer to users than if they were hosted at one location. It also allows for faster loading times because it caches your site’s files in multiple locations across the globe, which means that people don’t have to wait for your server to send them a copy of an image or CSS file every time they visit your site — the CDN has already done this work for them!


In the end, it’s important to remember that voice search is just another way for users to interact with your site. If you focus on optimizing for this new type of query, you will be able to reach a whole new audience who may otherwise have never found your site. By using conversational keywords and optimizing for position zero or featured snippets, you can attract more traffic and increase sales.
