If you want to keep your pool pump running smoothly, you need a check valve. A check valve is an essential part of any swimming pool, whether it’s a residential backyard pool or an Olympic-sized aquatic centre, it’s important to have pool services by an expert pool service Melbourne company. In this post, we’ll explain why they’re needed and where they should be installed.

Why You Need a Check Valve?

A check valve is a small, simple device that prevents one part of your pool from draining into another. If you have any pool issues, you should never delay calling a pool service Melbourne company.

If you have a pump and filter for your pool, it’s necessary to instal a check valve in the return line from the pump to make sure that water isn’t being drained from your pool when you turn off the pump.

If you don’t have a check valve installed, here’s what happens: when you turn off your pool’s pump and close its valves, any remaining water will drain out through any open hose bibs or faucets in your house.

When those are closed, all that water has no place to go except down into other parts of your home like sinks or toilets—which is why we recommend installing one!

When Should You Install a Check Valve?

A check valve is a device that allows water to flow in one direction only, thereby preventing backflow. It’s an essential component of a pool or spa system because, without it, there’s no way to prevent wastewater from flowing back into your pool.

Pool service Melbourne

There are two times when you should always instal a check valve: when you’re installing your pool and every time you replace your filter cartridge.

If you’re replacing an old filter with a new one, make sure that you connect the waste line to the new pump before connecting any hoses or power cords; otherwise, all of your efforts may be for naught if the old pump was not properly installed or if there was some other problem causing it not to function correctly!

If installing a new system from scratch (or if modifying an existing one), make sure that both valves are connected before filling up with water; otherwise, mold could grow inside due to condensation forming inside pipes leading away from pumps/filters/etc., which would ruin everything once again!

Where Should You Instal a Check Valve?

The first thing to consider when installing a check valve is where your pool’s return line is located. This will determine the most effective location for installing your check valve.

The second thing to consider is what type of pool you have: saltwater or chlorinated.

Saltwater and chlorinated pools require different types of check valves, so if you’re not sure which one fits your situation, it is best to contact an expert before proceeding with any installation plans!

Your pool pump is only as good as the valves that govern it. Hire a professional for pool service in Melbourne.


It’s important to know where your pool pump is located and what kind of valves it has. It can be difficult to find the correct one, but with these tips from our experienced technicians, you can ensure that your equipment will last longer than it would otherwise.
