How old were you when you took your first CPR course Brisbane? For many of us, this was in school as part of our health classes, and we probably enjoyed it more than we thought we would at the time. But when children learn CPR, they’re not just picking up another skill that will help them on future job applications—they’re learning how to potentially save their own life one day by helping someone else.

What Is CPR?

CPR is an emergency life-saving procedure that is used when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. It involves chest compressions and rescue breaths. When performed correctly, CPR can help keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs.

CPR courses Brisbane can teach you how to perform CPR correctly. They will also give you the confidence to use this lifesaving skill if ever needed.

Everyone should know how to perform CPR, but it is especially important for children to learn this skill. Children are more likely to witness someone having a cardiac arrest than adults.

They are also more likely to be present when an adult collapses from a heart attack or choking.

Learning CPR Has Many Benefits

1. When kids learn CPR, they could save a life—even their own.

2. According to the American Heart Association, every year in the U.S., more than 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur, and less than 10 percent of people who suffer from one survive.

3. If more people knew CPR, those numbers could increase dramatically.

4. Learning CPR is easy and only takes a few hours.

5. Plus, it’s a skill that can be used anywhere, at any time—you never know when you might need it.

6. Knowing CPR could give your child the confidence to take action in an emergency situation and potentially save a life.

CPR course Brisbane

Why Would a Child Need Learn CPR?

If a child was to witness a cardiac arrest, knowing CPR could help save the victim’s life. Many children are scared of seeing someone die, and learning CPR could help ease their fears as they would know how to help in an emergency situation.

Performing CPR on a child dummy can help boost a child’s confidence levels and make them feel more comfortable performing the technique on a real person if they ever had to. It is estimated that almost 90% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen at home, so it is vital that children know how to perform CPR in case they ever need to save a family member or friend.

At What Age Can Children Learn CPR?

According to the American Heart Association, children as young as seven or eight years old can learn CPR. The most important thing is that they understand the concepts and are able to perform the steps correctly. Additionally, children should be supervised when practicing CPR on adults or dummies.

How to Choose a CPR Class

CPR is a lifesaving skill that everyone should know, and children are no exception. If you’re looking for a CPR course Brisbane, there are a few things to keep in mind. Choose a course that is age-appropriate for your child. Well, make sure the class is taught by an experienced and certified instructor. Check that the class covers both adult and child CPR. Also, find out if the class offers hands-on practice with mannequins. Its also essential to check the schedule to see if the class time fits with your family’s schedule. And, find out if the class offers a certificate of completion.
