Pruning is an important part of fruit tree maintenance. It helps your tree stay healthy and productive and makes your fruit trees more attractive. It’s better to leave the job on Arborist Camberwell to get the pruning jobs correctly. Here are some signs that you need to prune your fruit trees:

If you see dead branches.

If you see dead branches, it’s a sign of disease. Dead branches can also be a safety hazard, as they could fall on people or structures. If left unchecked, infestation by insects such as aphids and mites can occur. Additionally, dead branches can lead to an increased risk of disease in your trees.

If you see weaker branches.

If you see weaker branches, you should prune them. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Weak branches are more likely to break.
  • Weak branches are more likely to be diseased.
  • Weak branches are more likely to be damaged by pests.
  • Weak branches can also be damaged by wind, which can cause problems when the fruit falls on them during heavy storms and high winds.

Signs That You Need To Prune Your Fruit Trees

If you see disease progression.

If you see disease progression, then it is time to prune your fruit trees. If a tree is infected with a disease, you will be able to tell by looking at the leaves and fruit. You can also tell if your tree has a disease by looking for signs of it on other trees in your area. Once you have recognised that there are problems with the trees in your yard, pruning them should be an obvious conclusion.

If it’s more than 5 years since the last prune and the tree is established.

Pruning fruit trees can be done at any time of year, although spring and early summer are best. If you have never pruned your fruit tree before, or it has been more than 5 years since you last did so, then this is the right time to do it.

How to Prune a Fruit Tree

There are several different types of fruit trees that require different techniques for pruning them. These include:

  • Apple – The season starts with the first flush of growth in spring and continues through the growing season until late autumn, when we get our first frosty nights. This is when we should prune our apple trees back hard so they produce short, strong new growth but not too much fruit on each twig so that there’s plenty left over for pollination and fruiting next year (the best time for this would be mid-August).
  • Pear – Pears should be pruned slightly less hard than apples but still back about halfway up just after flowering finishes around mid-May (this can vary depending on variety); otherwise, they will start producing lots more strawberries than actual pears themselves!

It’s important to keep your fruit trees pruned so that they are healthy.

Pruning a fruit tree can help prevent disease, increase fruit production, and keep the tree balanced. Pruning is also important for keeping your fruit trees strong, healthy, and in shape. Pruning can be done at any time of year but is best to do in the winter months when you may not want to be outside while pruning.

The most important thing to remember when pruning a fruit tree is to cut back all dead or diseased branches so they don’t spread disease throughout your backyard orchard!


If you’re unsure if you need to prune your fruit tree, it’s best to ask an Arborist Melbourne. If you want to learn more about how to prune your fruit trees, check out our blog post on how to do so.
