Led grow lights are the latest rage among indoor gardening enthusiasts, and for a good reason—they’re powerful, effective, and efficient. However, finding the best led grow lights in Australia can be difficult without knowing exactly what to look for in terms of efficiency, features, color temperature, and more. To help you with this task, we’ve compiled a list of the six most important considerations when choosing your own led grow lights. We hope you find it helpful!

1) Coverage Area

One of the most important things to consider when choosing to grow lights is the coverage area. How many plants do you plan on lighting at once? This will determine how much light you need, as well as what fixtures are right for your space. Many lights have a range of brightness options; for example, some lights can be dimmed so that only parts of your plants receive extra light and not all at once. If you’re going to grow tall plants, pay special attention to what size lights you’ll need (higher fixtures tend to be brighter). Also, note that full-spectrum white lights can reach farther than colored ones and work best in situations where more than one color is necessary—for example, if you want a blue spectrum for vegetative growth and a red spectrum for flowering.

Best Led Grow Lights

2) Wattage

Wattage is not a measure of light intensity. Instead, it’s actually a measure of electricity usage and, therefore, heat output. For example, using an LED light with a wattage that’s too high will result in higher temperatures within your grow space. Keep in mind that your plants need to be able to handle their environment; if you have excessive heat, consider turning down your lights or moving them further away from your plants. While one plant may be able to withstand increased temperatures, others simply won’t survive it—which means you could kill off entire batches of crops if you opt for more powerful lights without accounting for their needs.

3) Light spectrum

All of a plant’s food comes from light. The spectrum of a given light will influence how healthy your plants are. This is one of the primary considerations when choosing which led grow lights to buy, as it’s vital that they be able to convert energy into food effectively and efficiently. You can learn more about light spectrums in our guide on the light spectrum and plant growth, but for now, know that you want full-spectrum lights if you want all-around healthy plants.

4) Price

Another factor to consider is price. Some LED grow lights cost thousands of dollars, while others are less than $100. If you’re just starting out and don’t have a lot of money to invest in your first grow light, you can buy a budget option that won’t break your bank but will still give you good results. You may want to spend more if you plan on growing large-scale plants or multiple varieties. Other factors, such as expected yields and customer satisfaction, should be considered when determining which led grow light to purchase for your needs and budget (Bagga & Jain 2017).

5) Return Policy and Warranty

Even if you buy a small, inexpensive LED grow light, and it doesn’t work, your loss is minimal. On top of that, most manufacturers offer either a money-back guarantee or a warranty. If they don’t honor their return policy or warranty, you should never buy from them again. Even worse are companies who require you to jump through hoops to get a replacement or refund. If a company has high customer satisfaction ratings and long return/warranty policies (and a good track record of honoring those policies), then your purchase should be relatively risk-free.

Why settle for less when you can have the best?

That’s what you’ll get with Hydro Kingdom‘s Best Led Grow Lights. These top-of-the-line grow lights use the latest in LED technology to provide your plants with the ideal light spectrum for optimal growth. With a lifespan of 50,000 hours, they’ll keep your garden thriving for years to come. And since they use less energy than traditional grow lights, you’ll save money on your electricity bills, too. So don’t wait any longer; make the switch to Hydro Kingdom’s Best Led Grow Lights and see the difference for yourself!
