Did you know that you don’t always have to follow the same, tired Best SEO in Gold Coast tips everyone else is using? Here are a few unique ways to optimise your articles for better search engine results. And the best part? You probably haven’t heard of most of them before! So if you’re looking for a new way to boost your website ranking, read on.

  1. Utilising Latent Semantic Indexing in your writing

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a technique used by search engines to determine the relevance of a page. LSI looks at the terms used in a document and compares them to the terms used on other pages on the internet. If the terms are found on other pages, it is assumed that the page is about that topic. This is important for SEO because you can include related keywords in your article without fear of being penalised by the search engine. For example, if you are writing about SEO, you could include terms like “web traffic”, “online marketing”, and “content strategy”. Just make sure that the terms are used naturally in your writing – keyword stuffing will not help your SEO efforts.

  1. How to use Google’s LSI keywords

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords are words and phrases related to your target keyword. If you want to rank for the keyword “SEO,” you’ll want to use words and phrases like “online marketing,” “SEO tips,” and “search engine optimisation.” Why? Because Google uses LSI keywords to determine the relevance of your article. If you include LSI keywords in your content, Google will see that your article is not only about SEO but also about online marketing, tips and optimisation. And that’s what you want Google to see- because it means higher rankings and more traffic. So how do you find LSI keywords? Simply enter your target keyword into the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and scroll down to the “Related phrases” section. You’ll find a list of related keywords and phrases that you can use in your content.

  1. What are LSI keywords?

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords are words and phrases that are semantically related to your target keyword. They’re not as popular as your target keyword, but they still have some search volume. You can find LSI keywords by using a thesaurus or using Google’s autocomplete feature. When you include these keywords in your article, you help Google understand the topic of your article better. This can improve your ranking in SERPs and help you attract more readers.

  1. How to find LSI keywords

A great way to find related keywords is to use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This will give you a list of related keywords and phrases that you can use to beef up your article. You can also use the LSI Graph tool to get even more ideas. This nifty little tool will help you find keywords related to your original keyword, which can help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). So, how do you use these keywords? There are a few different ways:-In the title

-In the body of the article

-In the metadata (title, description, etc.)

-As anchor text

  1. How to use LSI keywords in your writing

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are words and phrases related to your main keyword. They help improve your content’s search engine visibility and help Google determine the topic of your article. You can include them naturally in your writing by using synonyms, related terms and phrases. This will ensure that your content is informative and engaging and ranks higher in search engine results pages. So how do you find LSI keywords? There are a few methods:

-Google Keyword Planner

-LSI Graph

-Related: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Related Keywords

-Google Trends

Using these tools, you can find relevant keywords that you can use in your writing for better SEO.


If you’re looking to give your website, and your Best SEO in Gold Coast, a boost, then you should consider implementing latent semantic indexing into your writing. Latent semantic indexing is a great way to improve your website’s ranking on search engines and can be easily implemented into your writing with a few simple tricks. By utilising Google’s LSI keywords and finding related keywords for your topic, you can help to improve the visibility of your website and give your audience the information they’re looking for.
